Critics called it an overdue acknowledgment that the so-called Combatant Status Review Tribunals are unfairly geared toward labeling detainees the enemy, even when they pose little danger. 'Yemeni detainees are the largest group at Guantánamo'. 'Obama Transfers 4 From Guantánamo, Leaving 41 There as Term Ends' – via. Another low-level foot soldier, Ismail had his habeas corpus petition turned down in April 2010, a decision that was upheld on appeal a year later, but to be honest there was nothing about his case to suggest that he actually constituted any kind of threat to the US. 'Periodic Review Boards Approve Another Two Yemenis for Release from Guantánamo'. 'Guantanamo Docket: Yasin Qasem Muhammad Ismail'. Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas, from DoD data. ^ 'Measurements of Heights and Weights of Individuals Detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (ordered and consolidated version)'.Works related to List of Individuals Detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba from January 2002 through at Wikisource 'List of Individuals Detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba from January 2002 through May 15, 2006' (PDF). In 2013, the Yemen Times quoted him describing the manner of the force-feeding of the hunger strikers as inhumane. Yasin Qasem Muhammad Ismail was listed as one of the captives who had admitted 'to training at Al Qaeda or Taliban camps'.Yasin Qasem Muhammad Ismail was listed as one of the captives who 'deny affiliation with Al Qaeda or the Taliban yet admit facts that, under the broad authority the laws of war give armed parties to detain the enemy, offer the government ample legal justification for its detention decisions.'.

Yasin Qasem Muhammad Ismail was listed as one of the captives whose 'names or aliases were found on material seized in raids on Al Qaeda safehouses and facilities.'.

Yasin Qasem Muhammad Ismail was listed as one of the captives who 'The military alleges.took military or terrorist training in Afghanistan.' Yasin Qasem Muhammad Ismail was listed as one of the captives who 'The military alleges that the following detainees stayed in Al Qaeda, Taliban or other guest- or safehouses.'.Scholars at the Brookings Institution, lead by Benjamin Wittes, listed the captives still held in Guantanamo in December 2008, according to whether their detention was justified by certain common allegations: