These players utilize bows and arrows or either a crossbow or a longbow to inflict damage on their opponents from afar. The assassin class fighter is an agile and robust ranged attack specialist. There is more action games available in ocean of games if you want to download it then must visit out Action games section.

If the warrior’s enemy will be a large target, it is best to use one of his other weapons, such as his nunchucks or sais. Once the warrior has taken down his opponents, he uses a counter-attack technique that involves him blocking his opponent’s moves before striking them with his sword. Wielding one of these weapons allows them to take down multiple opponents at a time with ease. They have impressive strength and defence abilities but have difficulty dealing out large amounts of damage to their opponents. The warrior class character belongs to the intense melee-oriented faction and uses a mace, sword or axe as their primary weapon. Each of these classes has its strengths, skills, weapons, abilities and weapons, and an ultimate ability or special attack and defence skill that can be used on top of regular attacks. There are the warrior, the assassin, and the ninja. For Honor, unlike most MMOs, where you can choose only one class, in For Honor, there are three different character classes, each with its strengths and weaknesses. The game set during the medieval age 5th to 15th century.