10:59:27,463 INFO c.b.j.c.l.CitrixIcaFileSaver: cleaning old ICA files in F:\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.4.1\ica_files 10:59:27,463 INFO c.b.j.c.l.CitrixIcaFileSaver: ICA save folder F:\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.4.1\ica_files is ok 10:59:27,463 INFO c.b.j.c.l.CitrixIcaFileSaver: checking ICA save folder F:\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.4.1\ica_files

See View Results Tree or log for more information’s." Recorder status shows as "Downloading ICA File An error occurred during ICA file downloading or your download controller is not working. Somehow when we click on ‘Start Recording’ button in JMeter Citrix Plugin- > ICA File Saver is clearing up the dynamically downloaded ica file and then it complains with error downloading the ICA file. We are able to capture the traffic using the HTTPS script recorder to login to the Citrix Storefront (Web), but when we try launching the ICA, JMeter is not able to capture the actions. VIA LoadRunner, we have used ctrx_nfuse_connect to launch the ICA …Ĭtrx_nfuse_connect("Tm9uUhjhgujkjjkituiuujnjlklbGVjdCBDQTIwMDg-.ica?CsrfToken=22FE0ABHKJJHKL7KJH89HKLL14006E2435&IsUsingHttps=Yes&launchId=76898076577", CTRX_LAST) We are using JMeter 5.4.1 and Citrix Plugin Please help us understand how to use dynamic ICA Files w/ Citrix Plugin